>> Practice 1-23 > Telv-tor Renkup-Nisan / Reading Skill-Check
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Na’Tizh-tor romik. To enjoy well.
Indicate the following actions as more logical L (lozhikaik) or more emotional Z (zherkaik), or equal K (kaik)
Telv dunap svi’vuhlkansu kanok-gad. _____
Skladan (message) kitaya k’cellphone. _____
Torvukh ranaya k’t’hyllu. _____
Oren mamuk fi’asal. _____
S’udish ifis sahr-tor. _____
Glan t’movies t’tv fi’mu-yor. _____
Stariben k’t’hyllu t’nash-veh du’yokul. _____
Mon t’coffee lu maut (very) mu-yor. _____
If possible do 1-8 in a group or pairs. Using the sentence and your answer L/Z/K. When your parter finishes a statement reply with one of these statements.
Sem-rik = Fascinating
[Rik, means “without” in Vulcan, except for this word. It’s an idiom/expression that has become the word for fascinating.]
Sem = Fascination
Set’ki = Interesting (anc. from set’ko, interest.)
Ri’dva = Disbelief (dva-tor, to believe)
Aishan = Cause/coincidence (from aisha, to cause.)
Tzlu = Amusing
Tizh = Enjoy (tizh-tor)
Dorli = Honorable (Dor, honor)
Kunling = Happily (from kunli, happy)
It = Wow (“it” is also the word for tact)
Krol = Praise, (similar to “congratulations”)
Guhf = How boring.
Rasahkos = Bad, low-quality (impolite)
Romik = Good (adjective, from rom, good)